Here you will find information about the alumni of the doctoral program and their research.
Promoting Small-Scale Minor Sector Businesses and the Role of Institutions – a Conflict Prevention and Resolution Study in Ghana
1. Jahrgang, 2014-2017
Implementation of Supplier Relationship Management for the Purpose of Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD)
Cooperation between Large-Scale Enterprises and Nonprofit-Organisations in Sport: A Social-Scientific Inquiry
Neural Value Representation and Cognitive Style – Psychological Underpinnings of Value-Based Corporate Leadership
Metaphysics of Trust
Continuity in Times of Change - An Oxymoron? Solving the Change Paradox by Means of Trust
2. Jahrgang, 2015-2018
Collective Action as an Institutional Response to Human Rights Violations
Intended and Unintended Implications of Integrated Reporting
Shared Value Statement – New Perspectives on Measuring Business Value Creation
Relative Performance Incentive Schemes in Organizations and Their Negative Consequences
(Relational) Leadership of Multi-Stakeholder-Partnerships for Sustainable Development
3. Jahrgang, 2016-2019
Nudging in Business Ethics
Self-Reliant Indigenous Entrepreneurship: Towards Inclusive Sustainable Development
Forms and Interactions of AI Governance
3. Jahrgang, 2016-2020
The Political Role of Multinational Corporations
4. Jahrgang, 2017-2020
Ethical Focal Points and Risk Culture in Banking
How Does Corporate Social Performance Affect (Potential) Employees? An Empirical Analysis of Behaviors and Attitudes
The Capability Approach and its Relevance to Commercial Enterprises
Resonance and Purpose-driven Leadership - A Qualitative Study of Success Factors
4. Jahrgang, 2018-2021
Mission drift and the challenges for the market based provision of welfare services
5. Jahrgang, 2018-2021
Kindness Virtue in Business Leadership: From Micro- to Mid-Level Implications
Intercultural Management and the Extended Golden Rule
The Virtue Ethics of Market Morality
Exploring boundary conditions of aspirational CSR communication through a business ethics lens – evidence from the garment industry
CEOs as Agents of Organizational and Societal Change.
6. Jahrgang, 2019-2022
Stakeholder Democracy & Multi-Rational Competence. A Mixed-Methods Study in Search of Factors Determining a Viable, Sustainable, Ethical and Efficient Stakeholder Inclusive Process of Business Decision-Making.
Brücke im Individual-Systemkonflikt? Die Chancen einer Neudefinition des Produktivitätskonzepts
Reframe Team Reflexivity - realize Do No Harm: Appield to the Cases of Burnout Prevention and Speak Up Freely in Teams
Debating Due Diligence and Responsibility: from Law to Impact Valuation
7. Jahrgang, seit 2020
Essays on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as Risk Management Strategy
Systematic study of coaching ethics: economic approach
Reframing Compliance - investing in enabling conditions
8. Jahrgang, seit 2021
What if…? Counterfactual reasoning in ethical decision-making in business contexts
Reframing Data Privacy in Business Using the Do No Harm Principle as an Ethical Focal Point
An infinite understanding of the game as prerequisite to self-limitation in apparel consumption
9. Jahrgang, seit 2022