Hier können Sie sich über die Doktorand*innen des Kollegs, deren Forschung und Hintergründe informieren.
Reframing Compliance - investing in enabling conditions
8. Jahrgang, seit 2021
What if…? Counterfactual reasoning in ethical decision-making in business contexts
Reframing Data Privacy in Business Using the Do No Harm Principle as an Ethical Focal Point
Experimental Analysis of Various Trust Repair Methods and Their Dependance on Influence Factors in Human-Machine Interactions
Consumer Decisions and the Trade-off between Economic and Moral Objectives. An Investigation of Responsible Consumer Behavior Using the Ordonomic Approach
9. Jahrgang, seit 2022
Just and trustworthy leadership? When algorithmic leaders enter ethically sensitive domains
Sustainable transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises. Analysis of structural and process-related influencing factors for the integration of social and ecological aspects.
How Do Companies Tackle Societal Issues Successfully? A review of Corporate Purpose, Equity Ownership and Intrapreneurship
An infinite understanding of the game as prerequisite to self-limitation in apparel consumption
The Business Case for Corporate Digital Responsibility in Managing the Twin-Transformation
10. Jahrgang, seit 2023
Epistemology for Organisations – insouciance and deception in the treatment of organisational knowledge