Title of Dissertation:
Resonance and Purpose-driven Leadership - A Qualitative Study of Success Factors
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Suchanek and Prof. Dr. Timo Meynhardt
University: HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Scholarship: KSG Scholarship
Cohort: 4. Cohort, 2018-2021
Short Abstract
The sociological dissertation ‘Resonance and Purpose-driven Leadership’ investigates in a qualitative study: ‘how can resonance occur in organizations through purpose and which role does leadership play in this process?’The sociologist Hartmut Rosa introduced resonance as an alternative draft for the disconnection and alienation phenomena of individuals from society, their work and themselves which can be caused by acceleration and growth dynamics in society (Rosa 2017). Resonance can be described as a frequency which enables a dualistic connection and relationship to the world we live and work and with whom we interact (Rosa 2017; 2018). For human beings, being in connection and experiencing resonance with the surroundings is important (Meynhardt 2019). Work is, according to Rosa (2017), a possible resonance sphere. The dissertation argues that certain factors, such as valuable social interactions, perception of meaning and purpose in the own work, a public value perception and purpose orientation of the employer can make resonance experiences in organizations more likely. Purpose is relevant because, “[b]usiness enterprises – and public service institutions as well - are organs of society. They do not exist for their own sake, but to fulfill a specific social purpose and to satisfy a specific need of society, community, or individual” (Drucker 1973: 39).The goal of this work is to apply Hartmut Rosas resonance theory to the business and leadership context, and to develop a theory of resonant leadership through a purpose.
Drucker, Peter F. 1973. Management. Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices. New York: Harper & Row.
Meynhardt, Timo. 2019. “Purpose – mehr als eine Managermode.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, February 11, p. 18.
Rosa, Hartmut. 2017. Resonanz. Eine Soziologie der Weltbeziehung. 5th ed. Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag.
Rosa, Hartmut. 2018. Unverfügbarkeit. Wien und Salzburg: Residenz Verlag.
PhD Related Publications
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- David, Martin, Wallkamm, Magdalena, Bleicher, Alena. „Resource Extraction Technologies: Is a More Responsible Path of Development Possible?” Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 16, no. 4 (2017): 367-391. https://doi.org/10.1163/15691497-12341440
- David, Martin, Wallkamm, Magdalena, Bleicher, Alena. „Die Rohstoffversorgung für die Energiewende: Nicht nur auf technologische Lösungen setzen! Resources for the energy transition: It's not just about technology!” GAIA 26, no. 2 (2017): 84 – 88. https://doi.org/10.14512/gaia.26.2.5
- David, Martin, Bleicher, Alena, Wallkamm, Magdalena. „Der Schatz ist noch nicht gehoben. Transdisziplinäre Ressourcenforschung,“ Politische Ökologie 34, no. 144 (2017): 100-105.
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- Wallkamm, Magdalena. Enhanced Landfill Mining and its Socio Cultural Context. In: J. Lederer, D. Laner, H. Rechberger, J. Fellner (Hrg.), International Workshop "Mining the Technosphere - Drivers and Barriers, Challenges and Opportunities", 2015, TU Wien: Wien, 155-158.
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