From November 13 until November 15, 2019, the first Wittenberg Interdisciplinary Business Ethics Conference for international young scholars will take place.
The topic of the conference are ethical challenges for business in the future. In our ever-changing world, businesses face challenges such as digitalization, climate change, globalization, growing social inequalities, human rights violations, and many more. Unfortunately, the business sector is today often regarded as one of the main contributors to ethical problems instead of providing solutions for the latter. How do we have to change our economic system, our corporations, or leadership to solve ethical problems instead of aggravating them?
The first Wittenberg Interdisciplinary Business Ethics Conference (WIBEC) aims to provide a platform for exchange for young scholars working in the fields of economic, corporate, and leadership ethics. It is our goal to bring scholars together from all kinds of disciplines: philosophy, sociology, business studies, economics, psychology, jurisprudence, theology, history, and others. All kinds of methodologies are welcome, including conceptual and normative works as well as qualitative and quantitative studies.
Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics (WCGE) organizes the conference in cooperation with the Friede Springer Chair for business ethics and management accounting (bema). Please send abstracts (500 words) to