Title of Dissertation: Consumer Decisions and the Trade-off between Economic and Moral Objectives. An Investigation of Responsible Consumer Behavior Using the Ordonomic Approach
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ingo Pies
University: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Cohort: 9th Cohort, since 2022
Short Abstract
In recent years, the role of the consumer in the transformation towards a more sustainable society has increasingly become the focus of scientific research. While there is a general consent that consumers contribute to the social and environmental externalities of the market economy through their usage and disposal behavior, there are differing concepts about which norms consumers should (and can) follow. Some normative approaches develop clear principles for consumer behaviour, others focus on general criteria for „wise consumption choices”, embedded in a broader concept of a “good lifestyle”.
The work provides a systematic overview of the main theories of consumer ethics. The aim is to critically evaluate the various normative concepts and to assess the extent to which they take into account the underlying dilemma structures and Homann's condition of reasonability.
The conceptual framework provided by the ordonomic approach (Pies 2017) is applied to discuss potential win-win solutions that have higher chances of success in fostering consumption patterns which are in line with sustainability and climate protection goals, without necessarily imposing normative unanimity, thus accommodating the demands of liberal societies.
Research Interests
- Behavioural Economics
- Consumer Ethics
- Collective Action
- Order Ethics
- Since 2022 International Doctoral Program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business”, Wittenberg-Center for Global Ethics, Wittenberg, Germany
- 2021, Master of Science, Economics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
- 2020, Master of Arts, Angewandte Ethik und Konfliktmanagement, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
- 2019, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Semester Abroad, The Netherlands
- 2017, Bachelor, Volkswirtschaftslehre, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Professional and Academic Career
- 2022, research associate, Chair of Economic and Business Ethics HHL Leipzig, Germany
- 2022, project staff “Nudging Corporate Compliance and Integrity – Based on the Ethical Compass“, project of the WCGE in cooperation with the HHL, Wittenberg, Germany
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Conference Contributions: Talks
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Conference Contributions: Posters
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