The Is and Ought of Business Ethics 2025: Call for Applications

We are inviting scholars from all disciplines to come to Wittenberg from October 8–10, 2025 and discuss research relating to ethics in business - both from a normative and an empirical perspective.

The 4th "Is and Ought of Business Ethics Conference" will take place in Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany, from October 8–10, 2025. Building on the success of previous conferences, this event brings together scholars from diverse disciplines to explore the intersection of empirical research and normative theories in business ethics.

Keynote Speakers include for example Bart Wilson (Chapman University, Smith Institute) and Nien-hê Hsieh (Harvard Business School).

The conference welcomes submissions from researchers at all career stages, with a dedicated track for early career researchers. Accepted participants will benefit from presentations, feedback sessions, and networking opportunities with an impressive scientific board.

Abstracts (~600 words) must be submitted by April 15, 2025 (here).

For details on topics, fees, and accommodations, and to submit your abstract, visit the conference website.

We look forward to seeing you in Wittenberg!